As a member of our program, each participant is paired with a mentor that ensure monthly mentorship sessions centered around goal-setting and career development.
I AM C.U.L.T.U.R.E.D. Movers & Shakers Mentorship Program focuses on building confidence and developing soft skills in one to one supportive strategic career building and critical thinking sessions. Enrolled students are matched with mentors in their desired field of study.
“I am grateful to both my school and I Am C.U.L.T.U.R.E.D. for investing in students. It was a remarkable experience. This is my charge to other schools and organizations - to invest in programs like I Am C.U.L.T.U.R.E.D. because there’s nothing else like it. There’s no other program that does what IAC does for our children. ”
“This trip taught me gratitude and also a lot about myself personally. To be here is very inspiring and makes me want to be the best person I can possibly be. ”
“Honestly words can’t even fathom what this trip was for me - it was truly life changing.”
“If I had to describe this experience in one word it would be: transformational. ”
Enroll in program, Sign up to be a mentor
Donate. Support.
Your tax-deductible donation supports our travel series and year long programming making it possible for our youth to participate at little to no expense to them.